CCI Companies, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and encourages all MBE, WBE, SDVOB, and DBE contractors and suppliers to submit their quotes for participation on any of the below bidding projects. Please call 315-697-2547 for more information regarding project estimators.
- #2423 Taxiway D, H & G Reconfirguration - Griffiss International Airport
- Furnace Brook – Elmwood Part Sediment Removal and Channel Wall Repair Project - Town of Salina
- #24H01 Buckley Road (CR 48) Drainage Replacement Project
- D265423 - Highway Reconstruction - Village of Liverpool Plans
- Burlington Street Reconstruction - City of Watertown - Specs
- Burlington Street Reconstruction - City of Watertown
- D265369 - Intersection Reconstruction - City of Oneonta
- D040965 - Noble Street over West Creek - Evans Mills - SPECIFICATIONS
- D040965 - Noble Street over West Creek - Evans Mills
- D265023 - RT 31 at Thompson & South Bay Intersection Improvements
- Safety Data Sheets
- Main Street Revitalization & Utility Improvement Project - City of Cortland
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